Our skilled team serves clients across Northwest Washington, providing prompt and reliable service wherever you are. Explore our services below and let us take care of your electrical needs with expertise and professionalism.

Specialized Electrician Services
Service Work & Maintenance, Lighting & Lighting Control Systems, Fire Life Safety Systems, Emergency Power/UPS Systems, Variable Frequency Drives,
Parking Lot Lighting, HVAC Controls, Emon D-mon Energy Management & Monitoring Systems, CO2 Monitoring Systems, Building Management Systems

Standard Electrical Services
Power & Lighting Design, Grounding Electrical Systems, Emergency Electrical Systems, Electric Generator Installations, Backup, Standby and Emergency generators, HVAC Control Wiring, Forklift Battery Chargers, Energy-Saving Lighting & Wiring, Indoor/Outdoor Lighting, Step-Down Transformers· 480/277V 3-Phase, 120/208V Single Phase, Panel Upgrade Install, Breakers and Ballasts, Electrical Systems for Voice & Data, Computer Stations, Security and Surveillance Cameras, CCTV (Closed Circuit) Remote Systems, Motion Detectors/Sound Detectors, Electrical Systems for Fire Alarms & Security

Electrical Experts for Your Next Project
VP Electrical Services are not just electricians, we are electrical contractors trained for the most complicated electrical systems for your commercial, industrial or complex residential projects. We are partners in all electrical projects of any size for your commercial, education, data center or industrial projects. Bring VP Electrical Services into the planning stage of your projects involving: ·Preconstruction Planning · Electrical Construction · Structured Cabling and TechnologiesWe will help your company save time, money, frustration and manhours. Power On With with VP Electrical Services!

Commercial Tenant Improvements
If you are a building owner or property manager needing electrical upgrades to the interior or exterior of your commercial or industrial property, VP Electrical Services is a cost-effective and smart solution. We install, replace & oversee all electrical system upgrades, handle HVAC controls, electrical panels, electrical & power outlets, cabling, data drops, telephones, lighting, electrical code inspection preparation, fire alarms, pull fire alarms, emergency doors, and warehouse lighting installation. We are licensed and bonded.

Lighting Retrofits
Energy-efficient warehouse lighting retrofits reduce energy consumption, improve lighting quality and provide positive cash flow from the moment you flip the switch on a new installation. Working with local utilities to take advantage of every opportunity to save your business money and get you the exact lighting, and permits for your specific needs. VP Electrical Services is an investment in the future of your business.